performance max

Search Themes in PMax: what you need to know

search themes in pmax

Search Themes are still in beta but they are widely adopted and it seems they are here to stay. But do you really understand how they work and how they impact your Search campaigns? Apparently most people don’t.   In this post I will explain what Search themes are, how Search Themes in PMax: what you need to know

The Ultimate Guide to Performance Max Campaigns

performance max campaigns

Performance Max campaigns seem to be everywhere. Not only is Google heavily pushing every advertiser to use them, but many advertisers praise them for getting great results.   I have to admit that PMax took online advertising by storm. And I was skeptical at the beginning. The biggest reason is The Ultimate Guide to Performance Max Campaigns

Google is hiding PMax Performance intentionally

There are rising concerns about Google’s lack of transparency regarding Performance Max campaigns. Google has confirmed that it purposely does not display channel-specific data because it could be “misleading.”   There has been much speculation online that Google is doing this to promote various automation features. As we know, Performance Google is hiding PMax Performance intentionally

Vehicle ads are coming to Performance Max campaigns

vehicle ads to performance max

Google is taking no break in expanding their new start – Performance max campaigns. This time, it’s vehicle ads. They were introduced about a year ago. These ads initially have to be created via Smart Shopping campaigns using feeds. Now, they are coming to Performance Max campaigns, and you won’t Vehicle ads are coming to Performance Max campaigns