Testing and optimization

How to use audiences for Search campaign optimization?

search campaign optimization

Audiences are mainly associated with display campaigns, YouTube, or retargeting. Then there are Facebook Ads, where audiences are a key element. Everything there revolves around creating a good audience. Perhaps that’s why people rarely think about the audience when creating or optimizing Search campaigns.   As with any display campaign, How to use audiences for Search campaign optimization?

Google Ads Experiments Made Easy: A Guide Anyone Can Follow

google ads experiments

In my posts, I talked about testing quite a few times. I might have even mentioned that Google Ads has a built-in tool to do experimentation. But I realized that I haven’t written about how to use it.   Well, we will fix that now.   Testing plays a major Google Ads Experiments Made Easy: A Guide Anyone Can Follow

Should you include Search Partners in your campaigns?

google ads search partners test

I know what you might be thinking “What the h*** is Search Partners?”. I get it, so let’s settle that first.   According to Google: Search partners include hundreds of non-Google websites as well as YouTube and other Google sites. Ads can appear on search partner sites that display and Should you include Search Partners in your campaigns?