24 Google ads remarketing audiences to boost performance

24 google ads remarketing audiences

Google ads remarketing is a great way to target people who’ve already visited your website or viewed specific pages. This can be a huge benefit since you’re not just wasting money and resources advertising to people who may have no interest in what you have to offer—you’re targeting people who 24 Google ads remarketing audiences to boost performance

Search Themes in PMax: what you need to know

search themes in pmax

Search Themes are still in beta but they are widely adopted and it seems they are here to stay. But do you really understand how they work and how they impact your Search campaigns? Apparently most people don’t.   In this post I will explain what Search themes are, how Search Themes in PMax: what you need to know

How to leverage Google Display Ads?

leverage google display ads

Google Display Ads has been a part of Google Ads as far as I can remember. It was always harder to make them work compared to Search ads. But Display ads can be a powerful tool for reaching your target audience and driving conversions. Even though Display ads usually are How to leverage Google Display Ads?

10 Custom columns to enhance your campaign optimization

custom columns in google ads

Most of your time with Google Ads you spend in the account looking at data. So it is very important to have all the data that can help you optimizing your campaings. There are many default columns, which you might be familiar, but what truly kicks it up a notch 10 Custom columns to enhance your campaign optimization

How to fix organic Google Ads campaign name in GA4?

fix organic campaign name in ga4

You may have noticed (organic) and (not set) values showing up where your Google Ads campaign name should be. According to Reddit and some Google help forums I’ve read, this started around June. Some say it has something to do with Google deleting old Universal Analytics accounts, updates to attribution How to fix organic Google Ads campaign name in GA4?

How to build custom Google ads reports in GA4?

google ads reports in ga4

In this blog post, I’ll show you how to create a custom report in GA4 to help you better understand your Google Ads performance. Pairing GA4 and Google Ads data is a must for any serious marketer. First, we will look at standard reports and then move on to create How to build custom Google ads reports in GA4?

The ultimate guide to responsive search ads

responsive search ads

No matter how many keywords you have or how big your budget is, the only thing people see from your account (and all of your efforts) is the ad. Think about it. Everything boils down to 270 symbols. About the same as X post (280). Would you agree that your The ultimate guide to responsive search ads

Most Advertisers Miss These 6 Google Ads Conversion Tips

google ads conversions

Conversion tracking is key to making your campaign successful. I’ve mentioned it many and will continue to say it. Without it, you’re just throwing away your money. Setting up conversions is not a hard task. It’s basically adding a snippet to your website. However, there are some things that are Most Advertisers Miss These 6 Google Ads Conversion Tips

What you need to know about Search Query Matching in 2024

search query matching

In recent years, Google Ads has changed its keyword rules. It added and then removed the modified broad match type. It also introduced close variants for exact matches and altered phrase matching. These changes have impacted Search campaign performances.   And now another change. Google announced what will change in What you need to know about Search Query Matching in 2024

What is a good Google Ads budget?

google ads budget

Most people try Google Ads because it is easy to start with but then abandon it due to the poor results. Of course, not all channels are equal, and each product or service has to find its own mix of them. However, usually, it is the start that counts. A What is a good Google Ads budget?

Google Ads Quality Score Demystified: How to Improve and Why It Matters

quality score demistified

Quality Score is crucial. It decides how often your ad shows and the cost per click. Think of it like school grades. Higher scores mean better perks. Ever wonder what’s behind the score? We’ll explore its components, importance, and improvement methods. We’ll check ad relevance and page experience.     Google Ads Quality Score Demystified: How to Improve and Why It Matters

How to exclude App and YouTube placements from Display Campaigns?

how to exlude app placements

If you’ve done display campaigns, you know how annoying those app placements are. Google made it harder to find out how to exclude apps and YouTube for reasons known only to them. But today let’s get our edge back and learn several ways how you can exclude those placements that How to exclude App and YouTube placements from Display Campaigns?

How to use Search Term report like a seasoned expert

search term report

Search Term report is the go-to place for most advertisers as it shows what actual queries were matched against your keywords. As you know, each search term is matched to your keyword in the ad group. If you work with broad or phrase match keywords (even exact), you know that How to use Search Term report like a seasoned expert

How to stop Google Ads from spending a fortune

google ads spend

Ever felt the sting of your marketing budget vanishing into thin air? Google Ads can be like a magician’s trick—now you see your money, now you don’t. But we don’t have time for magic tricks. We run ads for businesses, clients, and companies. Let’s take some time to understand what How to stop Google Ads from spending a fortune

Brand inclusions in Google Ads

brand inclusions in google ads

A while back Google introduced brand restrictions. And the name, honestly, was confusing as we also have brand exclusions. But those are not the same. The opposite, actually. I guess that’s why they changed the name to Brand inclusions. A lot better. Regardless of how it is called now or Brand inclusions in Google Ads

A Step-by-Step Tutorial on Setting Up Enhanced Conversions for Google Ads

Enhanced Conversions

Accurate data is key in 2024, and its importance will continue to grow as we rely more and more on AI and automated bidding strategies. No matter what advertising platform you use, having more accurate data enables you to better optimize your campaign performance.   Google Ads has enhanced conversions A Step-by-Step Tutorial on Setting Up Enhanced Conversions for Google Ads

Top Strategies to Boost CTR in Google Ads

CTR in Google Ads

CTR shows if your ads suck. Simple as that. People either click them or they don’t. Understanding click-through rates is important in Google Ads campaigns. It measures how your ads resonate with potential customers, affecting website traffic, spending, and conversions.   In this post, we’ll touch on what is CTR, it’s Top Strategies to Boost CTR in Google Ads

What is tCPA in Google Ads?

tCPA in google ads

In digital marketing, the right ad spending can boost profits or waste money. tCPA, or Target Cost-Per-Acquisition, is crucial for Google Ads. It helps manage costs in pay-per-click campaigns, offering better control and results. Knowing how it works can align your spending with your goals, boosting your campaign. It introduces What is tCPA in Google Ads?

Mastering Negative Keywords: A Complete Guide for PPC

mastering negative keywords

Negative keywords are key to campaign success. They’re vital for both beginners and experts. Sadly, many overlook them. Instead, they chase new Google features or best practices. Trying new things is good. First, though, master the basics. Then, adopt a “test everything” mindset. Today, we’ll examine how negative keywords can Mastering Negative Keywords: A Complete Guide for PPC

The Ultimate Guide to Performance Max Campaigns

performance max campaigns

Performance Max campaigns seem to be everywhere. Not only is Google heavily pushing every advertiser to use them, but many advertisers praise them for getting great results.   I have to admit that PMax took online advertising by storm. And I was skeptical at the beginning. The biggest reason is The Ultimate Guide to Performance Max Campaigns

The Power of Portfolio Bid Strategies in Google Ads

portfolio bidding strategies

The beauty of portfolio bidding strategies lies in their ability to be both standardized for ease of implementation yet flexible enough to be customized to each advertiser’s goals. Campaigns need not operate in silos but can instead benefit from a complementary campaign approach that optimizes the overall performance of the The Power of Portfolio Bid Strategies in Google Ads

What is a structured snippet?

structured snippet

If you have heard about structured snippets in Google Ads, you know a thing or two. To me, this is quite a technical name for it. But what exactly are these snippets, and how do they work? In Google Ads, structured snippets have become a vital asset for enhancing the What is a structured snippet?

Direct from the Trenches: Answering Facebook Group Questions

facebook group questions

Some of you may know that I also have a Facebook group about Google Ads. There are plenty of people helping each other out, and I, along with two awesome moderators, try to keep it nice and tidy.   I’m reading almost all the questions posted, and if I have Direct from the Trenches: Answering Facebook Group Questions

Breaking Down Search Ads: The Hits and Misses

breaking down search ads

There is a lot we can learn just by observing and studying not only our competitors but also other companies. If you have a chance to work with several different businesses at the same time, great. But most work for one company for a while. Getting out there to see Breaking Down Search Ads: The Hits and Misses

What is a good Search Ads CTR

good search ads CTR

I get this question quite a lot, and there is no short answer. Well there is, but it might be both helpful and damaging at the same time. So, I thought I would dedicate a post about what a good CTR in Search Ads.   In digital marketing, and especially What is a good Search Ads CTR

Introduction to Google Ads scripts

google ads scripts

Have you heard about Google Ads Scripts? If you worked in an agency, you might be familiar with scripts. Also, if you’re running PMax, you will need a script to get more insights into campaign performance, as Google hides a lot of stuff.   But scripts can do a lot Introduction to Google Ads scripts

Are keyword match types still relevant today?

keyword match types

When creating Search campaigns, many Google Ads experts praise machine learning, and you might often hear them saying, “Start with broad match keywords and an automated bidding strategy”. They claim that CPA bidding and broad match keywords are all you need to reach your campaign goals successfully.   In theory, Are keyword match types still relevant today?

How to win back time with Google Ads Automated rules?

google ads automated rules

Unless you’re an agency, running your Google Ads account is almost a daily task. You have to be in there, looking at keywords, ads, conversions, etc. Obviously, this is not a rule for all accounts. It depends on how much you spend, your campaign goals, your product, countries, and many How to win back time with Google Ads Automated rules?

PPC and SEO synergy in 2024


PPC and SEO collaboration is not as strong as it should be in most companies. And I think that is a big mistake. Sometimes, it feels like those two are competing rather than helping each other out. SEO people say that PPC is a waste of money and we can PPC and SEO synergy in 2024

Google Demand Gen Ads Demystified

google discovery ads

Google Discovery Ads launched in 2019, and they looked different than any other campaign type. Now, they are called Demand Gen ads. Google has a lot of properties where it can show ads, so it wasn’t a big surprise that it launched Demand Gen Ads with the goal of monetizing Google Demand Gen Ads Demystified

How to use audiences for Search campaign optimization?

search campaign optimization

Audiences are mainly associated with display campaigns, YouTube, or retargeting. Then there are Facebook Ads, where audiences are a key element. Everything there revolves around creating a good audience. Perhaps that’s why people rarely think about the audience when creating or optimizing Search campaigns.   As with any display campaign, How to use audiences for Search campaign optimization?

Click fraud tools for Google Ads

click fraud tools

Click fraud will exist as long as there are clicks and a way to make money out of them. I’ve seen some posts and threads about how Google Ads has a lot of click fraud. But to be honest, it’s the same on any platform. No one can guarantee that Click fraud tools for Google Ads

How to maximise campaign performance with shared budgets?

google ads shared budgets

Have you noticed that sometimes you exceed your daily budget? This is due to how Google allocates your spending during the whole day. Usually, it’s not a problem, especially if none of your campaigns reach the daily budget cap. But if they do, you might be missing some potential clicks How to maximise campaign performance with shared budgets?

Matching Your Budget to the Right Google Ads Campaign

google ads campaigns

I understand how overwhelming it can be to launch your campaigns for the first time. There are just so many options. How do you know which campaign is a good fit for your budget?   Each campaign type serves a unique purpose and aligns with different advertising objectives. For instance, Matching Your Budget to the Right Google Ads Campaign

12 tips to make your Responsive Search Ads stand out

tips for search ads

We can talk for days about what we can do with our campaigns, how to optimize them, what landing pages to use, and so on. But all this doesn’t matter if your ad is not clicked.   It all starts with a simple user action—a click. Obviously, it can’t be 12 tips to make your Responsive Search Ads stand out

Measure reach with new Local Services Ads Metrics

Local Service Ads are a type of ad designed for local professionals. They’re a totally different format and are already liked by many who provide plumbing, repair, attorney services, etc. They are open in 80 different industries and are available in the US, Canada, the UK, and several European countries. Measure reach with new Local Services Ads Metrics

Google Ads limits country exclusions

Google Ads limits the countries (or areas) you can exclude to approximately 120. If you try to add more, you will get a notification saying you exceeded the limit.   Here’s what Google said: “You will see this notification if you try to add more than approximately 120 country-level location Google Ads limits country exclusions

Google Ads Experiments Made Easy: A Guide Anyone Can Follow

google ads experiments

In my posts, I talked about testing quite a few times. I might have even mentioned that Google Ads has a built-in tool to do experimentation. But I realized that I haven’t written about how to use it.   Well, we will fix that now.   Testing plays a major Google Ads Experiments Made Easy: A Guide Anyone Can Follow

Google will start pausing inactive ad groups

On March 11th this year, Google will roll out an update that will start pausing all ad groups that have not had any activity. If you have an ad group that was created at least 13 months ago and had no impressions for the same time period, this ad group Google will start pausing inactive ad groups

Google is hiding PMax Performance intentionally

There are rising concerns about Google’s lack of transparency regarding Performance Max campaigns. Google has confirmed that it purposely does not display channel-specific data because it could be “misleading.”   There has been much speculation online that Google is doing this to promote various automation features. As we know, Performance Google is hiding PMax Performance intentionally

9 Google Ads settings that will make you look like a pro

google ads settings

Google Ads have been changing all the time and in the last 5 years significantly. Not only do they change how the account looks, but add additional settings and options. Some of them can be found easily, others are hidden away. It is hard to get a grasp of where 9 Google Ads settings that will make you look like a pro

Google Ads keyword research in 2024

google ads keyword research

Keywords are the bread and butter of your Search campaigns. You can’t have successful campaigns without selecting the right keywords for your business. And to do that you have to spend some time researching keywords.   If you’re planning to run Search ads, then you know that your ads appear Google Ads keyword research in 2024

How to boost your Google Ads campaigns with AI

google ads with ai

When chatGPT was launched it was something. It seems so long ago, but the wave started just over a year ago. Now, it seems everyone is using AI to generate texts, documents, and images. I know people who even craft their email using AI. It saves them time. And I How to boost your Google Ads campaigns with AI

Should you include Search Partners in your campaigns?

google ads search partners test

I know what you might be thinking “What the h*** is Search Partners?”. I get it, so let’s settle that first.   According to Google: Search partners include hundreds of non-Google websites as well as YouTube and other Google sites. Ads can appear on search partner sites that display and Should you include Search Partners in your campaigns?

How NOT to create landing pages for Google Ads [real examples]

google ads landing pages

Many believe that if you select good keywords write perfect ads, and have a good account structure, then your success is just around the corner. This is wrong. And I will tell you why.   Google Ads, just like any other ads platform is just that, an ads platform. It’s How NOT to create landing pages for Google Ads [real examples]

How to implement Google Consent Mode V2?

google consent mode v2

Google Consent Mode V2, rolled out in late November 2023, represents a significant update to Google’s original Consent Mode framework. This technology enables websites to transmit user cookie consent preferences to Google’s suite of tags more efficiently. A key development with the advent of V2 is its mandatory implementation for How to implement Google Consent Mode V2?

Retargeting in 2024 and beyond: A cookieless future

remarketing in 2024

Retargeting was and for now is one of the best strategies to drive returning visitors to your site. I would probably say it’s in the top 5 campaigns for most businesses. But with third-party cookies going away, retargeting will change.   Will Google and other platforms introduce new ways of Retargeting in 2024 and beyond: A cookieless future

17 Most common Google Ads mistakes you should avoid

google ads mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes. That’s only natural. We are human beings, after all. Sometimes, you have to make a mistake to learn from it. But sometimes, it is a lot wiser to learn from the mistakes of others.   I’ve been doing Google Ads for about 14 years now, and I 17 Most common Google Ads mistakes you should avoid

Behind the Scenes of YouTube Ads: Decoding Costs, Campaigns, and Conversion Rates

behind the scenes of youtube ads

YouTube is the second biggest search engine. Did you know it is estimated that YouTube has about 3 billion searches a day? That’s 35 thousand searches every second. People are searching for recipes, travel recommendations, product reviews, songs, funny videos, and basically whatever you can think of.   It’s a Behind the Scenes of YouTube Ads: Decoding Costs, Campaigns, and Conversion Rates

Everything you need to know about Google Ads assets (extensions)

google ads assets

Google Ads Assets, formerly extensions, are a great way to boost your campaign performance. A few years back, when Google wasn’t so pushy with its Optimization score and Recommendations dashboard, only a handful of people used assets. You can say Google did a good job at promoting assets so that Everything you need to know about Google Ads assets (extensions)

How to create a good landing page for Google Ads?

landing pages for google ads

Landing pages are an essential part of Google Ads campaigns but are often overlooked. Each of your ads must have a link. You have to direct users somewhere after the click. And the page you choose is your landing page.   But why should you care about landing pages when How to create a good landing page for Google Ads?

How to prepare for success with Google Ads in 2024?

google ads in 2024

Is it me, or does it feel like 2024 will bring a lot of change to how we use Google Ads? And probably not only Google Ads. Many platforms are on the verge of change as well.   Generative AI, automated bidding strategies, Performance Max, Google Analytics 4, end of How to prepare for success with Google Ads in 2024?

Cleaning the mess after a bad campaign management [case study]

bad campaign management

Recently, I helped one business in the US to get their campaign on track using just simple manual bidding: no AI, no other bidding strategies, pure basics. But let’s start at the beginning…   A few months ago, around 7 pm, I was waiting to get Tera (my German Shepherd) Cleaning the mess after a bad campaign management [case study]

How I scale Google Ads with micro conversions?

micro conversions in google ads

Conversions are key to any campaign’s success. You can’t run a campaign without having conversions. Well, you can physically, but you shouldn’t. You need to understand if your campaigns are driving actions that are important to you. And this is basically what defines a conversion. Any action you deem the How I scale Google Ads with micro conversions?

Why Do Google Ads and Google Analytics Show Different Numbers?

attribution model in google ads

This, seemingly an easy question, drags us into a very deep rabbit hole, and it’s called attribution models. Have you heard of it? If yes, then you know a thing or two. If not, you’re in for a big surprise. I’m literally sitting down, writing these words, and I still Why Do Google Ads and Google Analytics Show Different Numbers?

How to set up Google Tag Manager (GTM) for Google Ads

How to set up Google Tag Manager (GTM) for Google Ads

Google Ads without conversions are useless. OK, maybe I’m exaggerating a little bit. But conversions are important, as well as adding tracking pixels and remarketing tags. But all of this sounds like a job for a developer. Which it could be, and it is. But with Google Tag Manager or How to set up Google Tag Manager (GTM) for Google Ads

I’ve spent €64,901 to see if the Promotion asset increases my CTR

google ads promotion asset

Assets or extensions, as they used to be called, help increase your ads’ CTR (click-through rate). At least, that’s what Google says. Being a marketer, you have to be skeptical about basically anything, especially when an advertising platform claims something.   So, I decided to test if the Google Ads I’ve spent €64,901 to see if the Promotion asset increases my CTR

Optimize campaigns with Google Ads Location Targeting

google ads location targeting

Location targeting is one of the most overlooked settings in Google Ads. You can target the whole world, but why would you? Usually, people select their target country or a few, which is OK. Advertisers look at location as a part of the target audience. Hence, most of them specify Optimize campaigns with Google Ads Location Targeting

8 Psychological Hacks to Boost Your Search Ads Clicks

8 Psychological Hacks to Boost Your Search Ads Clicks

When you run Google Search Ads, there are a lot of things happening in the account. You have your keywords, targeting, audiences, devices, bids, etc. But the only part that is visible to a user is just your ad.   And if that is not enough, that ad is not 8 Psychological Hacks to Boost Your Search Ads Clicks

How Negative Keywords Can Transform Your Campaigns?

google ads negative keywords

If I had to pick the top strategies that help optimize campaigns, negative keywords would probably be in the TOP 5. Negative keywords can be your secret weapon. And it doesn’t matter if you’re just a novice or a seasoned marketer. Using negative keywords is a straight path to better ROI. How Negative Keywords Can Transform Your Campaigns?

Most common Google Ads mistakes (and how to fix them)

Google Ads mistakes

Why do some Google Ads campaigns skyrocket with success while others stumble and crumble despite similar investments and seemingly strategic setups? Is there a hidden algorithm or a concealed playbook that decodes the labyrinthine world of Google, distinguishing the triumphs from the flops?   Nope. Just the same old mistakes Most common Google Ads mistakes (and how to fix them)

17 reasons why Google Ads not spending and what to do about it?

google ads not spending

It is frustrating when you set up everything and your ads are still not running. It’s even worse when the campaigns had a good run, and then suddenly dropped in performance. These and similar issues pop up, and it seems more often these days.   Recently, I noticed a few 17 reasons why Google Ads not spending and what to do about it?

How to use Google Looker Studio with Google Ads?

Google Looker Studio

Google Looker Studio (formerly known as Google Data Studio) is a free online tool that lets you create beautiful reports and dashboards. Data reporting can be confusing, and to make things worse, you have to know how to present it to others so it is easily digestible.   More often How to use Google Looker Studio with Google Ads?

How to create retargeting audiences in GA4?

remarketing audiences

You may have noticed that when you visit a website, you start seeing its ads “following” you. Sometimes, it can be a general type of message; sometimes, you see the exact product you were interested in while on that site. That’s what retargeting is all about.   Repeat marketing, also How to create retargeting audiences in GA4?

From Basics to Brilliance: Google Ads Bidding Explained

google bidding strategies

Google’s bidding strategies evolved radically. I remember when there were only a few, and now you can have even AI helping you get the most out of your budget. Most advertisers would rely on manual bidding or use enhanced CPC, which had a little help from Google adjusting their bid. From Basics to Brilliance: Google Ads Bidding Explained

Proven Techniques: Using YouTube Ads to Grow Subscribers

youtube ads for subscribers

Not many know, but Youtube Ads can be used to boost your channel growth. And no, not just advertising your YouTube channel and asking people to subscribe. That helps too, but I’m talking about getting your YouTube videos seen by more people.   You might be thinking, “Sure, I get Proven Techniques: Using YouTube Ads to Grow Subscribers

Google Search Ads strength: should you obsess about it?

search ads strength

Anyone doing Google Search ads will tell you that ads are a very important part of your campaign success. Good ads mean, higher CTR (click-through rate), and higher CTR means more clicks. And hopefully, those clicks turn into sales.   Sounds simple enough, right? And in a way, it is. Google Search Ads strength: should you obsess about it?

Vehicle ads are coming to Performance Max campaigns

vehicle ads to performance max

Google is taking no break in expanding their new start – Performance max campaigns. This time, it’s vehicle ads. They were introduced about a year ago. These ads initially have to be created via Smart Shopping campaigns using feeds. Now, they are coming to Performance Max campaigns, and you won’t Vehicle ads are coming to Performance Max campaigns

How to create videos for Youtube ads for free?

videos for Youtube ads

I’m sure most of you know what YouTube is. And if you think it is an entertainment channel where people spend hours watching funny or interesting videos, you are only half right. It is the second-largest search network.    It is also a source of knowledge where people find answers How to create videos for Youtube ads for free?

Everything you need to know About Google service ads

google service ads

At its core, Google Service Ads, often referred to as Local Service Ads, act as a bridge connecting local service providers with potential consumers directly through Google’s search results.   Unlike traditional advertisements that take users to a website or a landing page, these ads lead to direct communication, such Everything you need to know About Google service ads

What is Google ads?

what is google ads

Let’s step aside from all the advanced tactics on Google Ads and get back to basics. I was browsing around and noticed that there are still a lot of people who never tried Google Ads. Some even don’t really understand what it is and how it can be useful.   What is Google ads?

PPC for Lawyers: why you won’t survive without it

ppc for lawyers

I remember about 14 years ago when I was just starting with Google ads, or AdWords as it was called back then, I heard that clicks on law-related keywords are the most expensive. There was even an urban legend that a cost per click could go up to $500. Of PPC for Lawyers: why you won’t survive without it

Are Google Ads Better than Facebook Ads?

google ads better than facebook ads

In the vast world of digital marketing, two colossal platforms reign supreme in online advertising: Google Ads and Facebook Ads. Both have proven to be game-changers in the way businesses reach potential customers. Choosing between these two platforms can be a complex task for a marketer or business owner. The Are Google Ads Better than Facebook Ads?

How to start with Google Ads YouTube in 2023?

how to start with youtube ads

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that YouTube started in 2005, 18 years ago. Over that time, YouTube has grown exponentially, and today, it boasts over 2 billion monthly active users, making it the second-largest search engine after Google.   For this reason, it’s no surprise that Google ads YouTube for How to start with Google Ads YouTube in 2023?

Pros and Cons of Google ads

pros and cons of google ads

Google Ads, formerly Google AdWords, is a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platform developed by Google. This platform enables businesses to create ads on Google’s search engine and other Google properties.   There are different types of ads that you can run on Google Ads:   Search Ads: These are text ads Pros and Cons of Google ads

Google Ads for restaurants: beginners guide

google ads for restaurants

When was the last time you called to book a restaurant? If it was recently, then you’re old school. With all the apps and booking forms on the website, calling the restaurant seems like a thing of the past. And how you market the restaurant also changed. If you’re not Google Ads for restaurants: beginners guide

Leveraging Google Auction Insights for Competitive Analysis

Google Auction Insights for Competitive Analysis

If you’re in the world of digital advertising, you’re likely familiar with Google Ads. But have you ever wondered how your ads are performing compared to your competitors? Or wish you could get a sneak peek into their strategies? Well, that’s where Google Ads Auction Insights comes in.   Here's Leveraging Google Auction Insights for Competitive Analysis

Google Ads for Small Business: A Comprehensive Guide for DIY Marketers

google ads for small businesses

As a small business owner or freelancer, you’re always looking for ways to get more visibility for your products or services, and Google Ads can be a powerful tool to achieve that. With the right strategy and a clear understanding of how the platform works, you can take control of Google Ads for Small Business: A Comprehensive Guide for DIY Marketers

Google Shopping Ads: Your E-commerce Success

google shopping ads

If you have an online store, Shopping ads might be what you were looking for. It allows you to promote your inventory to people searching for products on Google. It’s similar to search ads, but shopping campaigns have a more visual format. The ads show your product picture, price, title, Google Shopping Ads: Your E-commerce Success

YouTube Ads Cost Breakdown

youtube ads cost

YouTube is known as the second-largest search engine and, at the same time, one of the most visited websites in the world. No wonder advertisers want to show their products and services on this platform.  However, I still get a lot of questions about YouTube ads cost. For most people, YouTube Ads Cost Breakdown

Dynamic Search Ads (DSA): The Edge You Need

dynamic search ads

Let me show you a secret setting that helped me generate a lot of sales in the past. This is a feature that is buried in the settings, and many people miss it. It’s called dynamic search ads. Ads that Google generates itself based on the content of your website. Dynamic Search Ads (DSA): The Edge You Need

The Hidden Treasure of Google Ads: A Deep Dive into Long Tail Keywords

long tail keywords

Every day, more and more people are starting to advertise with Google Ads. Not to mention the constantly increasing budgets from the companies that have been doing this forever.   Finding keywords is not that hard. Finding the ones that convert that’s the challenge. You’re always on the lookout for The Hidden Treasure of Google Ads: A Deep Dive into Long Tail Keywords

How to Leverage Google Ads Auction Insights

google ads auction insights

Google Search Ads are based on auction, meaning several advertisers might be bidding for the same keywords. As a result, some keywords have less competition as they might be too niche or have low traffic. But for popular keywords, the competition is fierce.   If you’re an advertiser using Google How to Leverage Google Ads Auction Insights

Retargeting with Google Ads: step-by-step guide to get started

retargeting with google ads

Have you noticed that when you visit a website, you start seeing its ads “following” you? Sometimes, it can be a general type of message, and sometimes, you see the exact product you were interested in while on that site. That’s what remarketing is all about.   Repeat marketing, also Retargeting with Google Ads: step-by-step guide to get started

Google Display Ads (GDN) targeting changes in 2023

google display ads

Targeting Google Display ads is a crucial component of any successful advertising campaign because it ensures that your message is seen by the people who are most likely to be interested in it. While a great ad is essential, it will be effective if shown to the right audience.   Google Display Ads (GDN) targeting changes in 2023

The Lowdown on Google Ads Cost: What You Need to Know

Google ads cost

Google advertising is one of the most popular and effective ways for businesses to reach their target audience. With over 5 million active advertisers and billions of searches conducted on Google every day, it is a valuable platform for companies looking to gain visibility and drive traffic to their websites. The Lowdown on Google Ads Cost: What You Need to Know

How to use Google Discovery Ads to Boost Your Online Visibility and Drive More Sales

Google discovery ads

Google Ads’ Discovery campaign (a.k.a. Discovery ads) allows you to engage with more than 3 billion customers monthly across Google’s properties to achieve your performance goals. Since Google’s audience and customer intent signals help you deliver highly visual and inspirational ads to people who are finding, engaging with, and discovering How to use Google Discovery Ads to Boost Your Online Visibility and Drive More Sales

Performance max campaigns in Google ads: are they worth it?

Performance max campaigns in Google ads

It’s been more or less a year since Google launched Performance max campaigns. It’s a goal-based campaign type from Google that will help you find more converting customers across all channels (Display, Youtube, Search, Discover, Gmail, and Maps). It will automate the process with Smart Bidding and optimize your campaign Performance max campaigns in Google ads: are they worth it?