Rokas Golcas

Blogging gives me a chance to share my extensive experience with <a href="">Google Ads</a>. I hope you will find my posts useful. I try to write once a week, and you're welcome to join my newsletter. Or we can connect on <a href="">LinkedIn</a>.

Search Themes in PMax: what you need to know

search themes in pmax

Search Themes are still in beta but they are widely adopted and it seems they are here to stay. But do you really understand how they work and how they impact your Search campaigns? Apparently most people don’t.   In this post I will explain what Search themes are, how Search Themes in PMax: what you need to know

10 Custom columns to enhance your campaign optimization

custom columns in google ads

Most of your time with Google Ads you spend in the account looking at data. So it is very important to have all the data that can help you optimizing your campaings. There are many default columns, which you might be familiar, but what truly kicks it up a notch 10 Custom columns to enhance your campaign optimization

How to fix organic Google Ads campaign name in GA4?

fix organic campaign name in ga4

You may have noticed (organic) and (not set) values showing up where your Google Ads campaign name should be. According to Reddit and some Google help forums I’ve read, this started around June. Some say it has something to do with Google deleting old Universal Analytics accounts, updates to attribution How to fix organic Google Ads campaign name in GA4?